Un grupo de jóvenes de Georgia, USofNA, probablemente músicos no profesionales, canta un negro spiritual, con acompañamiento de banjo.
Más abajo, transcribimos la letra en inglés, donde aparece por primera vez (hasta donde llega nuestro conocimiento) la expresión "rock and roll", a través de su sinónimo "reel and rock".
El tema lo encontramos gracias al excelente programa de televisión musical y educativo The raimbow quest, que hacía el legendario Pete Seeger entre 1962 y 1964, en el cual el mismo Seeger canta Mary Don't You Weep, acompañado por dos hermosas visitantes.
Georgia field hands Mary Don't You Weep
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Oh Mary, don't you weep, don't you mourn. Oh Mary, don't you weep, don't you mourn.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drownded. Oh Mary don't you weep.
If I could I surely would stand on the rock where Moses stood.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned. Oh Mary don't you weep.
Mary wore three links of chain. Every link was Jesus' name.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned Oh Mary don't you weep.
One of these nights about 12 o' clock This old world´s going to reel and rock.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned. Oh Mary don't you weep.
God told Moses what to do To lead the Hebrew children through.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned Oh Mary don't you weep.
Moses stood on the Red Sea shore smoothin' the water with a two by four.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned Oh Mary don't you weep.
God gave Moses the rainbow sign: no more water, but fire next time.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned. Oh Mary don't you weep.
Mary wore three links of chain. Every link was freedoms name.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned. Oh Mary don't you weep.
The very moment I thought I was lost, the dungeon shook and the chains fell off.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned. Oh Mary don't you weep.
I may be right and I may be wrong I know you're gonna miss me when I am gone.
Chorus: Pharoah's army got drowned Oh Mary don't you weep.
1 comentario:
Alucinante Mario como siempre!!!
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