Editor: Mario Rabey

19 de abril de 2008

Pesaj o Pascua - la visión de la resistencia negra en el Siglo XIX

Pero todavía el Faraón no le dió la libertad al pueblo de Moisés ... Sigue esclavo en los hiperghettos de USA (USofNA) y sus alrededores

"Go Down, Moses"

When Israel was in Egypt's land,
Let my people go;
Oppressed so hard they could not stand,
Let my people go;


Go down, Moses, 'Way down in Egypt land;
Tell ole Pharaoh,
To let my people go.

"Thus saith the Lord," bold Moses said:
"Let my People go;
If not I'll smite your first-born dead,
Let my people go.

"No more shall they in bondage toil,
Let my people go;
Let them come out with Egypt's spoil,
Let my people go."

The Lord told Moses what to do,
Let my people go;
To lead the children of Israel thro',
Let my people go.

When they had reached the other shore,
Let my people go;
They sang a song of triumph o'er,
Let my people go.

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