Editor: Mario Rabey

6 de octubre de 2011

Occupy Wall Street - Ocupemos Wall Street

La democracia no es un deporte para mirar

Nosotros el Pueblo Ocupamos Wall Street

Ocupemos Wall Street es un movimiento de resistencia sin líder con gente de muchos colores, géneros y banderas políticas.

Lo único que tenemos en común es que Nosotros Somos el 99 % que no tolerará más la codicia y la corrupción del 1 %.

Sitio Web: Occupy Wall Street

El Blues de la Ocupación

Comentario del autor:


El 1º de octubre de 2011,  Occupy Wall Street cortó el Puente de Brooklyn. Yo tuve el alto honor de estar allí, no solamente para participar en uno de los más hermosos actos de desobediencia civil de los últimosaños, sino también para documentarlo y pasar la noche en la celda junto con mis hermanos y hermanas.

This movement wont be stopped.. take it from some one who has been there since day one and is watching it grow and grow...

We are global, it is time for justice and sanity.


If I had a million dollars
I'd rent me cop
feed him full of steroids
and watch him pop pop

'cause I'd own
own your government

If I had a million dollars
I'd be on T.V.
and I'd tell you just why
you oughta vote for me

If I had a millon dollars
I'd buy me a lake
and I'd say to the hungry
let them eat cake

If I had a million dollars
I'd buy me a nazi
I'd tie a flag to his eyes
and tell him to fuck me.

let me tell it to you straight now
so you make no mistake now
fuck your government

let me break it on down for y'all
on why we occupying Wall Street
Because a few feast
while most don't eat

AI ain't got no million
no hundred thousand
I ain't even got ten dollars
to my name

All i got
is a handful of nickels
hoping to the lord its enough
to buy me a bagel

I got them I'm the 99% minority blues

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